How to cut on your CNC machining costs in China

How to cut on your CNC machining costs in China

There is a mindset among product manufacturers that by just moving the manufacturing to any Chinese manufacturer they would reduce their costs helping them in today's competitive market.Given the growing number of Asian custom manufacturers, it is difficult for designers to pick the right suppliers while maintaining their product quality and price point. At the same time, some designers are stuck with their old suppliers with the price and quality that was good for yesterday's market.We are glad partZpro could help many of our customers reduce their cost of custom manufacturing to half even in Chinese manufacturing market.partZpro continues to add new qualified manufactures to its network. Our platform keeps monitoring job shops for the best prices, quality, and lead times. We have made the machine and our computing engines do the leg work for the best quotes enabling our customers to focus on their main job which is designing awesome products of the future.

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